Natural Ways to help Fertility

Natural Ways to help Fertility


 We are so excited to share with you all great ways to NATURALLY boost your fertility and prepare your body for conception with The Lunar Method. With this method, as many of you already know, not every cycle will be an ideal line up for desired gender, therefore it is incredibly important to make sure that you, as well as your partner, are taking proactive steps towards fertility and to ensure conception and a healthy pregnancy. You do not want to be doing anything that could potentially lower your chances of conception or a healthy pregnancy. We are not medical professionals, the content here is meant strictly for educational and informational purposes. This should not be used as medical advice. Always consult with a medical professional before starting any new supplements, vitamins, herbs, or regimen. We'd also like to go ahead and advise women who start any supplements or herbs to do so before swaying when you first start tracking as supplements and herbs can adjust your cycle pattern. It's recommended to start supplements and tracking 3-6 months before swaying.

Eating a healthy, balanced whole foods diet personalized to your needs is crucial for overall well-being, including fertility. A diet rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as foods high in folate, iron, Vitamin C & B12, has been associated with positive effects on female fertility. On the other hand, diets high in trans fats, added sugars, and refined carbohydrates may have a negative impact.

For men, studies have shown that semen quality improves with healthy diets. Therefore, both partners working on consuming a healthy diet before and during pregnancy planning can be incredibly beneficial.

In terms of exercise, moderation is key. It can help improve fertility in both men and women, but excessive exercise can have the opposite effect. For women, regular exercise can aid in weight management, hormone balance, and insulin sensitivity, which is particularly important for those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Regular exercise is also linked to a reduced incidence of ovulatory disorders and stimulates egg production. Furthermore, exercise can help manage stress and regulate menstrual cycles, both of which can positively impact fertility.

Research suggests that the type, intensity, and duration of physical activity, as well as a woman's weight and hormonal status, all play a role in these effects. As a general goal, aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week, including aerobic and strength-training exercises, is advisable. However, it is important to avoid very high-intensity exercise and more than 60 minutes of physical activity per day, as these can increase the risk of ovulatory-factor infertility.

Adopting a healthy diet and incorporating moderate exercise into your routine can have a significant impact on fertility. It's important to remember that each person's body is unique, so finding a personalized approach that works for you is key.

Taking supplements before trying to conceive can also significantly improve the chances of a successful conception and healthy pregnancy. It's crucial to focus on achieving optimal health before conception to ensure the best possible start for your future child and help increase fertility rate.

One of the key aspects to consider is the intake of prenatal vitamins, which are instrumental in promoting the proper development of the baby and reducing the risk of neural tube defects. Additionally, a comprehensive array of nutrients is necessary to optimize hormone levels, control inflammation, and nurture the gut microbiome. These factors are essential in supporting the body’s capacity to perform vital functions, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception.

Key vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12 are associated with a decreased risk of ovulation disorders and infertility. Notably, B12 has been linked to enhanced fertility in women undergoing fertility treatments, highlighting the significant impact that these vitamins can have on reproductive health.

Research also demonstrates the substantial benefits of prenatal vitamins in improving pregnancy outcomes. Studies have shown that women taking prenatal vitamins at least one month before conception experienced higher rates of confirmed pregnancies and shorter times to conception compared to those taking only trace elements like vitamin C and Zinc.

Moreover, the role of folate in fertility should not be underestimated, as evidenced by a large population-based observational study. Women who regularly consumed multivitamins or prenatal vitamins, particularly those with folate levels above 400 mcg at least three times a week, showed a lower incidence of ovulatory infertility.

In light of these findings, it's evident that strategic supplementation is a crucial element in promoting fertility and ensuring the best possible outcomes for both mother and child. Prioritizing the intake of essential nutrients and prenatal vitamins creates an optimal foundation for conception and paves the way for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements, especially if you have any existing health conditions or are taking medication. Taking proactive steps towards ensuring optimal nutrient intake and overall health can significantly impact your fertility journey.

FOLATE (B9) also known as folic acid: Most people associate folate or folic acid as a prenatal vitamin, but it can also be a really great supplement for those who are trying to conceive. Folate is associated with greater chances of getting pregnant naturally and improves success for those undergoing fertility treatments. The developing baby needs folate to make healthy new cells, and to make DNA and RNA (genetic material). These are cell-building blocks. Folate also is essential to form normal red blood cells and certain amino acids. These are important functions during pregnancy and infancy. Folate (folic acid) supplements are important for pregnancy as they can help prevent birth defects, including neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Women should start taking folate a minimum of 3 months before TTC and during pregnancy for the benefits we just discussed. Medical professionals also recommend that men take folate when trying to conceive, as it can improve the quality of their sperm motility. Suggested amount: 400-1,000 micrograms for women, 400 micrograms for men. There are multiple forms of folate/folic acid, be sure to research which you think works best for YOU.

Vitamin B6 and B12: Both are essential nutrients needed for our cells to grow, develop and survive and are important in both men and women. B6 supplementation has been associated with improvement in hormonal balance in women leading to improved ovulatory cycles, which in turn, improved the odds of becoming pregnant. A study in the medical journal Reproductive Toxicology found that those who took supplemental folate and vitamins B6 and B12 lowered their homocysteine levels, which improved the odds of successful conception in women with recurrent pregnancy loss. A separate study conducted in 2017 called “Vitamin B12 and Semen Quality” also found that increased B12 intake in men resulted in improved semen quality. Suggested amount: For B12, 1,000 micrograms once per week for men and women. For B6, 1.4 milligrams for men and 1.2 milligrams for women daily. 

Myoinositol (B8) and D-chiro-inositol: This is naturally occurring in almost every tissue that is involved in insulin and gonadotropin signaling, affecting follicle maturation. In women with PCOS, myoinositol is associated with improvement in insulin resistance and ovulation. During pregnancy, it may also help prevent gestational diabetes. Suggested amount: 2000 mg two times a day of combination of myoinositol and D-chiroinositol.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and can promote healthy reproductive systems in both men and women.  For women, vitamin C can reduce the negative impact of free radicals, in turn reducing cellular damage, which may then counter aspects of ovarian aging. Research shows vitamin C supplementation is associated with shorter time to pregnancy. As for vitamin C’s impact on male fertility, The Nutrition and Food Security Research Center found that taking vitamin C with vitamin E improved the number, motility, and sometimes DNA quality of sperm which leads to an increase in pregnancy rates. Suggested amount: 90 milligrams minimum daily for men and 75 milligrams minimum daily for women.  Liposomal form at 500 mg to 1000 mg or higher doses up to 2000 mg a day is thought to be safe for most adults

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is important for the development of healthy hormones. Those trying to get pregnant can test for vitamin D level to see if they are deficient and start taking supplemental vitamin D if necessary. Sufficient vitamin D level has been associated with improved pregnancy rates. Additionally, this vitamin is thought to improve semen quality in men. Suggested amount: 2,000 to 4,000 international units (IU) daily for men and women. 

Vitamin E: Most people will recognize vitamin E from their skincare – tons of products include this one to help “reduce wrinkles,” because vitamin E works to prevent cell membrane damage. That’s also exactly what makes it a great vitamin to boost fertility. A study named “Vitamin E as an Antioxidant in Female Reproductive Health” suggests that vitamin E improves women’s overall reproductive health and improves egg quality. For men, it helps to boost sperm quality, and when taken with vitamin C has been shown to reduce DNA fragmentation. It’s especially important for those (35+ years old) trying to get pregnant to take vitamin E. Suggested amount: Mixed tocopherol form is ideal and 200-400 IU daily for men and women. 

Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 (also called Coq10) is another natural antioxidant that counters oxidative stress that increases with age. There is evidence that Co q10 supplementation improved chances of pregnancy – especially in women with diminished ovarian reserve or in women over 40. Similarly, in men, several studies reported improvement in both sperm concentration and motility with Co Q10 supplementation. Suggested amount: Suggested amount will vary depending on your specific needs but typically between 100-600 milligrams per day is often recommended for men and women. 

Omega-3s: Omega-3s can be helpful for men and women, by countering inflammation throughout the body thereby promoting overall health as well as boosting men’s sperm motility and helping achieve pregnancy in women over the age of 35. Omega-3s may help the overall egg quality in women trying to conceive. You can find Omega-3s in seafoods, or you can try fish oil pills. If you are getting your Omega-3s via a supplement, you will want to look for DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), as that is the most bioavailable (easier for your body to absorb and use). Suggested amount: 500-1,000 milligrams daily for men and women.

Iron: Taking an iron supplement may help women prevent iron deficiency anemia. Ovulatory infertility can be associated with an iron deficiency, and a long-term study by the Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology of more than 18,000 women showed that supplementing with iron appeared to decrease the risk of ovulatory infertility. Whether you may benefit from supplementation may also be guided by measuring ferritin levels to determine the degree of iron deficiency. Suggested amount: 27 milligrams daily for men and women.

Selenium: Selenium is a trace element essential to generate glutathione that protects cellular membranes. Many view selenium as a “super” vitamin for fertility, because of its antioxidant powers. It’s recommended that pregnant women take about 60 mcg daily when trying to conceive as lower levels in the early stage of pregnancy may lead to complications such as miscarriages and smaller birth weight of the baby. It’s also a great one for men as well. Selenium and its associated proteins together ensure viability of sperm and abnormal levels may affect motility and quality. Suggested amount: 55 micrograms daily for men and women. 

Zinc: Zinc is another essential mineral that appears to play an important role in both sperm quality and egg development. Studies have suggested that a zinc deficiency could lead to low sperm production and quality reversed by supplementation. As for zinc and female fertility, a 2019 study from Robinson Research Institute, Adelaide Medical School, Waite Research Institute, and School of Medical Science found that lower levels of zinc in the blood were associated with longer time trying to conceive, so zinc may help a women’s fertilization and egg development but there is less research on benefits of zinc supplementation in women. Suggested amount: 30 milligrams daily for men and women. 

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC): This is an amino acid with anti-oxidant effect by stimulating glutathione production.   Research shows that NAC reduces oxidative stress, possibly reducing chromosomal damage leading to improved egg and embryo quality. NAC may also reduce insulin resistance, which has been shown to improve ovulation rates in women with PCOS. In men, NAC supplementation is associated with improvement in sperm count and quality.Suggested amount: In women, pre-conception 900 mg two times a day and after conception 600 mg a day thru first trimester. In men, 600 mg a day 

L-arginine: L-arginine is an amino acid that is involved in promotion of blood flow by helping the body produce Nitric Oxide, leading to vasodilation. L-arginine supplementation in men may help with erectile dysfunction and increase sperm production and motility. In women, for those with issues with thin uterine lining, the increase in blood flow may help thicken the endometrial lining. Some studies also reported improved outcomes in those who previously had failed IVF cycles. Suggested amount: 1000mg two times a day for men and women. Contraindications: history of oral or genital herpes as it may trigger an outbreak.

Acetyl L-carnitine: Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) is a form of an amino acid that is involved in mitochondrial oxidation of long chain fatty acids. It has been primarily shown to improve sperm motility. Limited study suggests improvement in symptoms associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome, which in turn may improve fertility. Suggested amount: 500-2500 milligrams daily for both men and women. Best taken first thing in the morning.Contraindication: hypothyroidism and history of seizures.

Nattokinase- A great alternative, that's rarely discussed, for those who need low-dose aspirin therapy before conception and during early pregnancy as it may increase pregnancy chances and live births among women who have experienced one or two prior miscarriages. So this is a natural alternative that works with your body to do the same things as low dose aspirin for women who need this such as women with chronic inflammation.

A viable alternative to traditional prenatal vitamins which has been gaining popularity is Dessicated beef liver capsules, which are rich in nutrients. Since many people do not enjoy the taste or texture of liver, desiccated grass-fed beef liver capsules provide a convenient alternative. These capsules contain essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Choline, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Folate, and Vitamins B2, B6, and B12, making them a highly beneficial superfood. Beef liver is particularly rich in preformed vitamin A (retinol), which is essential for the development and function of reproductive organs. Additionally, it is a potent source of B vitamins, particularly B12 and folate, which play a crucial role in DNA synthesis, cell division, and the development of healthy eggs and sperm. Adequate levels of these vitamins are important for preventing neural tube defects during pregnancy. Moreover, the high iron content in beef liver is essential for overall health and can significantly impact women's reproductive health, while zinc contributes to hormone regulation, egg development, and sperm health in both male and female reproductive systems. Copper, found in beef liver, is integral in the synthesis of collagen and is beneficial for fertility. Collagen, another component found in beef liver supplements, is vital for the health of reproductive tissues, including the cervix and uterine lining. It's important to note that beef liver supplements should not be considered a replacement for prenatal vitamins. It is imperative to take any recommended supplements alongside them.

The role of nutritional supplements in supporting fertility and reproductive health is undeniably significant. As individuals embark on their journey towards conception and swaying, the incorporation of essential vitamins and nutrients can play a pivotal role in optimizing fertility outcomes for both men and women. These supplements and vitamins mentioned are just some of the important vitamins, not all are discussed here today. Keep in mind not all prenatals and multivitamins are created equally. It's important to do your research on which ones and brands are a good choice as well as which vitamins should be taken together or those that should not be taken at the same time. Do not assume just because some vitamins are together in one bottle, that they are beneficial together. Taking the right supplements can play a role in improving fertility health, but it’s crucial to have proper guidance and knowledge before starting any new regimen. Be sure to discuss all potential supplements with your healthcare provider before adding them to your routine to ensure they align with your specific needs.

Our next important topic is herbs! Another helpful tool. Just like with supplements these do not sway gender one way or another. These are herbs that can potentially help women on this journey that may need that extra or additional support. Keep in mind these are just some of the top herbs used for fertility. 

Vitex: The Herb for Balancing Hormones and Enhancing Fertility

Finding natural remedies to support reproductive health can be a game-changer. Vitex, also known as Chaste Tree or Chasteberry, has emerged as a popular herb for its purported ability to balance the menstrual cycle and enhance fertility. This aims to delve into the benefits and mechanisms of Vitex and its potential role in supporting women's reproductive health.

Vitex is believed to exert its effects by acting on the pituitary gland in the brain, ultimately influencing hormone levels and the menstrual cycle. One of its primary mechanisms is its influence on the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge, which plays a crucial role in triggering ovulation. By increasing the strength of the LH surge, Vitex may contribute to strengthened ovulation and improved progesterone production during the luteal phase, thereby addressing issues such as luteal phase defect and low progesterone levels.

One of the distinctive features of Vitex is that it is considered to have a non-hormonal mode of action. Instead of directly introducing hormones into the body, Vitex is believed to have a modulatory effect, supporting the body's natural processes. Moreover, the herb has been reported to decrease abnormally high prolactin levels, contributing to improved hormone balance and ovarian function.

Research and clinical studies have suggested several potential benefits of Vitex in the context of women's reproductive health. For instance, it has been observed that Vitex may help women with ovulation problems, particularly those with a short luteal phase or inadequate progesterone production. Furthermore, in cases where miscarriages are linked to low progesterone levels, Vitex is believed to play a role in normalizing these levels, potentially offering support to women at risk of recurrent pregnancy loss.

In addition to its effects on ovulation and hormone balance, Vitex has also been investigated for its potential in addressing certain gynecological conditions. For example, in some European countries, Vitex is used to manage medium-phase endometriosis and to potentially prevent the progression of the condition. While further research is needed to fully elucidate the mechanisms and efficacy of Vitex in these contexts, the herb's potential therapeutic benefits are noteworthy.

It is important to note that while Vitex shows promise in supporting fertility and hormonal balance, and said to be safe to use during pregnancy, individuals should exercise caution and seek professional guidance.

Shatavari Herb: A powerful and valuable tool for those seeking to optimize their fertility.

When it comes to enhancing fertility, nature has provided us with a treasure trove of remedies, one of which is the powerful Ayurvedic herb known as Shatavari. This herb has been trusted for centuries to support and improve fertility in both women and men.

For women who are seeking to enhance their fertility, Shatavari offers a plethora of benefits. It is renowned for its ability to regulate hormonal imbalances, which can have a direct impact on the menstrual cycle and ovulation. By doing so, Shatavari helps to create a more favorable environment for conception. Additionally, this herb is known to increase cervical mucus, which plays a crucial role in the transportation and survival of sperm. Moreover, Shatavari has been found to improve the quality of eggs, thus increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy. 

Furthermore, Shatavari acts as a natural aphrodisiac, enhancing sexual function. This dual effect on both hormonal balance and sexual function makes Shatavari a holistic solution for women looking to optimize their fertility.

In addition to its benefits for women, Shatavari also has a positive impact on male fertility. Loaded with potent antioxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol, Shatavari plays a crucial role in combating oxidative stress in the body. By doing so, it supports healthy levels of male hormones, which are essential for optimal reproductive function. Furthermore, research suggests that Shatavari promotes spermatogenesis and increases sperm count and motility, thus improving male fertility.

Scientific evidence continues to mount in support of Shatavari's role in enhancing fertility. Regular use of Shatavari has been found to assist women in dealing with stress-induced hormonal fluctuations, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and infertility. Additionally, it aids in the production of healthy ova and prepares the womb for conception.

For couples who are navigating the challenging journey of fertility, incorporating Shatavari into their wellness routine can offer a natural and effective means of supporting their reproductive health. Whether consumed in the form of supplements or herbal preparations, Shatavari's time-tested reputation makes it a valuable ally in the pursuit of fertility.

Shatavari stands out as a powerful herbal remedy with the potential to positively impact both women and men's fertility. Its ability to address hormonal imbalances, enhance egg quality, increase cervical mucus, and improve male reproductive health makes it a valuable tool for those seeking to optimize their fertility. With its rich historical legacy and growing body of scientific evidence, Shatavari is a promising option for couples looking to support and enhance their fertility journey. It is important to note that while SHATAVARI also shows promise in supporting fertility, hormonal balance, and said to be safe to use during pregnancy, individuals should exercise caution and seek professional guidance.

Maca Root: A true and Tried herb for fertility in both men and women.

Maca root, a powerful herb used for more than two millennia by native Peruvians, has gained attention for its potential to promote fertility and overall health in both men and women. Packed with 31 different minerals and 60 phytonutrients, Maca serves as a nourishing food for the endocrine system, supporting the pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands, all of which are crucial for hormonal balance.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Maca is its ability to influence key hormones in the body without containing any hormones itself. Scientific research on Maca's fertility-boosting properties dates back to 1961 and has revealed that specific compounds called glucosinolates play a vital role in affecting fertility in both men and women. These alkaloids are responsible for Maca's ability to support hormonal balance and enhance reproductive health.

For women, Maca plays a role in promoting balanced estrogen and progesterone levels, crucial for fertility and reproductive health. Imbalances in these hormones can hinder a woman from conceiving or maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Maca may help to normalize the estrogen to progesterone ratio, an essential factor in achieving and carrying a healthy pregnancy. By addressing estrogen dominance, Maca offers potential benefits for women struggling with hormonal imbalances that affect fertility.

Men can also benefit from Maca's fertility-enhancing properties. Excessive estrogen levels in men may result in issues like erectile dysfunction, low libido, decreased sperm count, and reduced production of seminal fluid. Studies indicated by the University of Michigan's Healthnotes have shown that men who incorporate Maca into their diet may experience an increase in libido and improved sperm health. Additionally, research involving male rats demonstrated that Maca supplementation led to significantly higher sperm production and motility rates.

The impact of Maca on fertility is not limited to its hormonal effects. Research on female and male rats revealed that female rats experienced enhanced egg follicle maturation, crucial for ovulation, while male rats exhibited improved sperm production and motility after consuming Maca. These findings provide valuable insights into Maca's potential to support reproductive health in both men and women.

Maca's historical use as a fertility-promoting herb is supported by scientific research demonstrating its ability to positively influence key hormones in both men and women. By promoting hormonal balance and addressing issues such as estrogen dominance, Maca offers potential benefits for individuals seeking to enhance their fertility and reproductive health. With its rich nutrient profile and time-tested traditional use, Maca stands as a promising option for those looking to support their fertility journey naturally.

Ashwagandha: The Herb that packs a punch!

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is a powerful herb known for its multitude of benefits, particularly in the realm of fertility and reproductive health. For both women and men, incorporating ashwagandha into their wellness routine may offer promising results in terms of improving fertility.

One of the key benefits of ashwagandha is its potential to regulate cortisol levels, commonly referred to as the stress hormone. By lowering cortisol levels, ashwagandha may help the body better manage its stress response. This can be especially beneficial for women looking to enhance their fertility, as reduced stress and anxiety levels can contribute to better reproductive health. Additionally, improved stress management and sleep quality, both linked to ashwagandha use, can create a more favorable environment for promoting fertility in women.

Moreover, ashwagandha plays a vital role in hormone regulation and ovarian function. The herb has been associated with the improvement of ovarian function by controlling hormone levels such as FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), and estrogen. This regulation may help in healthy follicle formation and support overall good ovarian function, essential aspects for female fertility. Furthermore, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can aid in the fight against oxidative damage and inflammation within the reproductive system, potentially enhancing the environment for conception.

In the context of male fertility, ashwagandha has shown promising results in several studies. A 90-day supplementation of ashwagandha was found to significantly increase sperm counts by 167%, motility by 57%, semen volume by 53%, and testosterone levels by 17%. These results indicate the potential of ashwagandha in boosting male reproductive health. Moreover, the reduction of stress through ashwagandha consumption may positively impact sperm health, as chronic stress has been linked to lower testosterone and LH production, both crucial for sperm development.

The collective evidence and research surrounding ashwagandha's effects on reproductive health highlight its potential as a valuable supplement for individuals looking to enhance fertility. Whether used by women to support healthy ovarian function and hormone regulation or by men to improve sperm health and motility, ashwagandha presents itself as a natural and holistic approach to fertility support.

Ashwagandha stands as a versatile herb known for its ability to promote fertility in both women and men. By addressing factors such as stress management, hormone regulation, and reproductive system health, ashwagandha offers a natural and comprehensive approach to enhancing fertility and supporting overall reproductive wellness.

It is important to note that while the findings on the fertility benefits of these herbs are promising, individuals should always consult with a healthcare professional before integrating any new supplements into their routine, especially women who are trying to become pregnant, pregnant or breastfeeding.

Sperm Health: An Overlooked Aspect of Preparing for Pregnancy

When it comes to preparing for pregnancy, the focus is often centered around women, their health, and their fertility. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that sperm health is just as significant. Sperm health can be measured by four key factors: the amount of sperm (sperm count), their movement (sperm motility), their shape (sperm morphology), and 

To enhance sperm health, men should consider making adjustments to their lifestyle and diet at least 3-6 months before and during trying to conceive (TTC). A balanced diet, regular exercise, and the incorporation of supplements and herbs can play a crucial role in promoting sperm health. Particularly, maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercise can positively impact sperm quality and fertility. Additionally, avoiding excessive abstinence, wearing loose-fitting underwear, and minimizing exposure to high temperatures (such as those generated by laptops and hot baths) can protect sperm health.

Behavioral habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on sperm health and should be limited or discontinued prior to attempting conception. Furthermore, managing stress levels and ensuring adequate sleep are key factors in promoting optimal sperm health.

It's important for couples to have open discussions about potential interventions to enhance fertility. Exploring the benefits of various supplements and herbs geared towards improving men's fertility and sperm health can be beneficial in increasing fertility and potentially reducing the risk of miscarriage.

The significance of promoting sperm health should not be underestimated. By adopting a holistic approach that encompasses both partners, couples can maximize their chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy. Sperm health is not solely a concern for women, but a crucial factor for men as well.

When it comes to fertility and the desire to conceive, many women seek out ways to increase their chances of becoming pregnant as well as ways to sway the desired gender of their next baby . The Lunar Method, which involves specific strategies to sway the chances of conceiving a baby of a particular gender, it's important to follow certain guidelines and recommendations that can help optimize their chances of conception.

One of the key recommendations for women following the Lunar Method is to engage in intercourse as frequently as possible within the outlined guidelines or parameters set to be safe for swaying using this method. Contrary to popular belief, frequency does not influence the gender of the baby. It's important for women and their partners to understand that the frequency of sexual intercourse plays a crucial role in increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Furthermore, it's essential for women to understand that enjoying orgasms during intercourse is perfectly fine and does not negatively impact the effectiveness of The Lunar Method. It's important to prioritize pleasure and intimacy with your partner while attempting to conceive, rather than solely focusing on the goal of swaying the gender of the baby.

When it comes to lubricants, it's recommended to use sperm-friendly options only if absolutely necessary. However, it's highly advised to prioritize increasing the body's natural cervical mucus as it is considered the most beneficial when following The Lunar Method. Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) is often recommended as a top choice for enhancing natural cervical mucus. The suggested use of EPO for this purpose is to start at 500mg, three times a day for a total of 1500 mg per day. If the desired results aren't achieved in the first cycle, it's suggested to increase the dose to 3,000 mg per day in the next cycle. It's crucial to note that EPO should not be used after ovulation due to its potential effects on the uterus, especially for those actively trying to conceive.

In conclusion, empowering women to take charge of their fertility journey through personalized nutrition, physical activity, and proactive preconception health approaches is crucial. By seeking guidance, incorporating essential nutrients, and embracing holistic well-being, women can optimize their chances of conception while laying the foundation for a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy with The Lunar Method.


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Disclaimer: We are not medical professionals, the content here is meant strictly for educational and informational purposes. This should not be used as medical advice. Always consult with a medical professional before starting any new supplements, vitamins, herbs, or regimen.

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